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The 2019 Novel Coronavirus: Thoughts on Prevention and Care
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was first identified in the Wuhan province of China late in 2019. Genetic analysis of 2019-nCoV is in process to confirm the origin of this virus, likely from animals. Historically, SARS, another coronavirus, originated with civit cats. MERS, which also impacted humans, arose from camels. There has also been noted person to person spread of these various Coronaviruses.
For the current germ, symptoms vary greatly from mild respiratory illness, fever and cough, to more severe symptoms like difficulty breathing and death. According to the CDC, symptoms can develop 2–14 days after exposure. There is currently no vaccine for 2019-nCoV.
Here are basic concepts to help avoid exposure and exposing others to any virus including this one:
Avoid large crowds and places with poor ventilation.
If you cannot avoid such places, use a properly fitted mask, though research on some more commonly used masks lacks efficacy. Regardless, if using a mask, change frequently as they harbor bacteria.
Prioritize handwashing, more often, with soap and water for twenty seconds, especially before eating.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Use hand sanitizers, alcohol-based, when handwashing is not possible.
Limit handling doorknobs and other public surfaces without gloves. If in the midst of a severe epidemic, consider using gloves whenever outside to limit contact. Wash glove daily.
Avoid people who are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and discard or sneeze into your bent elbow.
Please stay home if you are sick!
To optimize your reaction to exposure should it occur and prevent or mitigate symptoms:
If you are feeling run down, take a day off, for rest and healing.
Eat a diet that supports optimal immune function including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and…